Hello, ![]() I am NUR NADIAH RAHMAT I am a __________ person. You decide. Friends, W24Q *[Ain]* *[Aidil]* *[Brian]* *[Carol]* *[Fin]* *[Hasif]* *[Hazirah]* *[Izzi]* *[Lizzy]* *[Priscilla]* *[Soo Hoon]* W34A [*Agnes*] [*Chun Li*] [*Derek*] [*Jared*] [*Jovian*] [*Karenn*] [*Serena*] [*Sharon*] PEEPZ [[Aarti]] [[Aisyah]] [[Ben]] [[Bestie ♥]] [[FaRa]] [[Fifi]] [[Han Xin]] [[Izuwan]] [[Mel]] [[Nadeerah]] [[Seri]] [[Stacey]] [[Tasha]] [[Yan Lin]] Tagboard, Memories, July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 Thanks, designer:strawberrys- icon:photobucket |
☼Wednesday, October 29, 2008 @ 10:43 PM Retribution day + Bodoh day = Botribution Day How sad is sad? Atleast there's something to be happy about. ![]() ☼Sunday, October 26, 2008 @ 8:51 PM I wanna watch High School Musical 3. I wanna watch High School Musical 3.. I wanna watch High School Musical 3!!! I'm going mad..NOOOOOOOOOOOOO...!! ![]() ☼Wednesday, October 22, 2008 @ 10:25 PM All I can say is that I had an AWESOME time today after school. If only laughing can make me grow six pack, I would have multiples of six pack by now. But after a long and dreadful enterprise lesson, all the laughters surely helps in putting a smile on my face even until on my way back home. And I simply can't wait for this Saturday. Woits! Joyah to Salmah, Joyah to Salmah. Can you copy? You know I know. Hehe. So here's a sneak peek to what Joyah and Salmah did. ![]() ![]() Walaahh. Marvellous. Muacks! ![]() ☼Sunday, October 19, 2008 @ 10:00 PM Thursday 16th October 2008 ![]() We were there SERI! RocaPhaze Rocks!! Woohoo.. Eh Yaya ni macam paham jekk..Padahal dpt tngk dari screen je..Hehehx.. But even though we can't really see that clearly, I'm sure you guys were great and fantabolous!! And all the hard work, all the the sacrifices of your time, even for your own self, are worth it! =)) Then after school, me and Nad were too lazy to go home straight and so, we decided to stop by at TRCC. Met with Seri and Hong Yi. And since Seri is all dressed up looking so beautiful, we can't resist the temptation of taking..PICTURES!! So here you go.. Loved. ![]() ☼ @ 9:16 PM Wednesday 15th October 2008 ![]() Husshhh..Secret alright? I cabs on this day. Whee~ But not surprising right? Hehe..But atleast the guilt was shared among me, Izzi and Ain. Great or what. So obviously, we watched Eagle Eye. And we watched it at 10.30AM and in the threatre, there's only a handful of people including us. AWESOME isit it? And the movie, it was SUPERB! I like! So, House Bunny: Checked Eagle Eye: Checked High School Musical 3: Pending Lakeview Terrace: Pending And now, Pictures Time!
![]() Ain and Izzi ![]() ![]() Buruks!
=)) ![]() ☼Friday, October 17, 2008 @ 9:33 PM Tuesday 14th October 2008 Ladies and Gents, I present to you..Miss Seventeenth!! Nur Nadirah Binte Haron Dearest Nad, I hope you had enjoyed yourself on your birthday and also the small celebration that we had for you. Even though it was short, but I've enjoyed myself and I'm sure the rest did too. Hope you like the prezzies too. And psst, dont wear the palms during rainy days aite. You know I know. Hehe. And hows my lying skills?? Improved right? Is it a good or bad thing? Hmmm... And Nad, thanx for setiase layaning my nonsence. "Part aku boring" tapi "Part kau jek merepek".. And thanx to Izuwan for collecting the cake for us and came rp on time. =D So for now, I'll just let the pictures do its job aite? Awwww... Crown Princess for the Day So Sweet :)) Sooo NOT sweet..Gay ALERT! Lucky I'm not the type who goes for revenge. If not, you cud've gotten worst than tat. Bday gerl with new outfit! Simply Gorgeous. I guess this is the most decent pic. The rest..No Comments.. **Focus your attention to the Left**
NICE. ![]() ☼Sunday, October 12, 2008 @ 12:29 AM I guess everyone is busy with their own life and I understand if we hadn't been spending time together. But sometimes, it's very saddening and sometimes even depressing, knowing that we can't be like how we used to be. But I understand, I really do. And slowly, I'm beginning to accept the fact that.. You can't always be there for me. ![]() ☼Wednesday, October 8, 2008 @ 10:58 AM House Bunny: Checked Eagle Eye: Pending High School Musical 3: Can't wait to be released! Yippee! Finally me and Nad got to fulfil our hajat of watching House Bunny together. And sorry to dear Izzi. I forgot that we wanted to watch it together too. So sorry babe. But I don't mind if you wanna watch it. Tapi kau skrg busy woman kn? Pegi dating larhh..*winks* Just had my early lunch at TRCC with Nad and Izzi, since my stomach can't take it ready, Nad too. Croak Croak. Hehe. We had satisfy our cravings for spaghetti. Whee~ I loike! Then while eating, we were talking about how boring life can be in RP as we're doing the same thing, same way everyday. Tapi nak katekan, other poly very stressful as they're occupied with assignments, projects etc. Then Izzi said "Jom, kite kahwin arhh". But, nak kahwin pon susah. Dah kahwin lagi susah. Hidop susah nak Mati pon susah. Aperr yg senang? Kan kan? Betol! Hahahkz.. Klah2, "Part yaya jerr boring". I shall stop here then. Byes ppl! Replying to tags: Order of Oldest to Most Recent to mel: I had fun too and we shud hang out more. Amaciam? Mau cabs kapa? hehe.. to Nadeerah: Nad nad... U were right behind me n u tagged at my blog. Hahakz. Niwaes, thanx for temaning me. =) to izzi: alahh2, kau rindu aku.. kau rindu usik aku kn? kn? to Aidil, hazirah, izzi: Selamat Hari Raye to korangs too!! Maaf zahir dan batin. to NISA, seri: awww..korang rindu aku. im so touched. Aku self-declared myself holiday arhh. I need a break. But now I'm back! to bestie: hehe, if I didnt go sch, u would be alone for e interview kn? to Fizah: **Smile** to Hazirah: Ouhh yeahh im back! Woohooo!! Kau rindu aku eh? awww.. to Ain cute: asl Ain cute ni? Menyampah! Hahahkz..Kate members..Sama sama tk dtg skola.. to mel: ader meaning perr..heh! n ouhh thnk u..credits to fi but its as sweet as me..=D to Hazirah: eh, tk mo gaduhh..kak irah kite promise kite dtg skola ks..Promise! Tkmo marah larhh.. Ouh2!! I just bought a new earpiece..Very Nice! ![]() ☼Tuesday, October 7, 2008 @ 10:51 AM Dear blog, I'm sorry for abandoning you for days or weeks maybe. But no worries, now I'm back and healthy. Yeahh!! Woohooo!! So Raye has been GREAT for me, except its not as semeriah as the previous years where there's still my grandmother (father's side) and grandfather (mother's side). I miss those days where we'll rebus ketupat outside our house in a super huge periuk. There's many more memorable events which I shall not mention here as I'll tend to get emotional. Anyways, I had a really bad start to this new semester. I've been late to classes, partial-ing and cabot-ing. And I actually made my own list of attendance. Tk der keje eh? ![]() Can see? Cannot? Well, one word Nadiah, SYABAS! Not even one week that I had full attendance. Good or what? And so, I've promised myself to achieve a full attendance this week. For this week only. Wahahaahkz..Next wed nk jalan raye. Woohoo!! Excited sehh. Im feeling happy today. I dont know why. Even though I flunk my UT, I'm still feeling happy. Maybe because of the dream that I had last night? Awww..Hot! Hehehx..Ks stop it eh Nadiah, sikit-sikit jek. Klah ppl, TOODLES! ![]() ☼Sunday, October 5, 2008 @ 12:56 AM Is stress really the right word to describe how I'm feeling right now? I really feel like crying now but tears just ain't coming out. My heart aches, really bad. It feels like thousands of knife stabbing at it. But no matter how loud I scream inside, not even the slightest sound is heard. Can you hear my screams? ![]() |